Friday, December 3, 2010

Starting to blog

In procrastinating for one thing on my to do list, I've started another task, a blog spot.

One of my interests is agriculture and I hope that I can educate, vent, ramble, discuss anything related to agriculture.  If you ate it, somebody grew it.  If something else comes up, that'll be included as well.

My thoughts at the moment are really concerning procrastination.  I'm really good at it and I wish I weren't. I want to be one of those people that when they are given a task, I would just do it, no excuses.

I was at the massage therapist yesterday and because when she had her fingers behind my head pressing on the base of my skull and my left shoulder twitched, she said that was an indication that I was full of ideas and not able to express them.  The woman is a psychic without a crystal ball.  Not only that, she basically told me my life story because I'm an aquarian.  I agree with a lot of the things she was telling me and we had quite a conversation, even if I was trying to breathe evenly through the pain she was causing on the back of my head.

I seem to have a mental block/writers block and can't get beyond it.  I have lots of ideas, I just can't seem to express them on computer, on paper, or verbally.  Hence, the blog and I'll just spew with my fingers on the keyboard until something of any substance comes out.  Ha, ha, read on as this will be my therapy until it becomes an informative message board for agriculture and it's consumers.

Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, questions or opinions.  It's time for me to write an article regarding Championing Agriculture based on a one day conference with Michele Payn-Knoper ( informing Islanders how we as agriculturallists need to be the greatest advocates of food and farming we can be so that consumers feel they are informed, knowledgeable and confident about the food they eat.

Have a great day,


1 comment:

  1. Spew away Gwynabelle! I know nothing of agriculture, but I have feeling I'm about to learn! lol! Thanks for sharing!
